Szalajka Valley

Szalajka Spring Featured

The Szalajka Spring can be found in thei Szalajka Valley in the Bükk area. It is the one of the main sources of the Szalajka Stream. It starts approximately 450 m high, with a flow area of approximately 10 km². It transports the water from the most precipitation rich area of the Bükk Mountain (the Western ponors of the Great Plateau) underwater to the Szalajka Valley. Its highest flow is more than 1 m³/second, and at the times of lowest water, 3 liters/second. Usually it is about 70 liters/second. Originally the spring came to the surface about 50 m to the south from its current place. But for the water uncovering researches in the 1960s, a tunnel was made at the current spot in the mountain to tap the spring. The spring itself is – supposedly – coming out of the huge cave system which is not explored yet. The Hármaskút Waterhole Cave belongs also to the spring system – among else – which, with its 3,5 kilometer as the crow flies distance could contain at least twice as many underwater tunnels. 

Fodor Géza scuba driver lost his life here in 1979, during the exploration of the spring.

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